Regenerative Charging test with the Adams's motor piloted by the
APMC v1.0
created on february 9, 2013 - JLN
Labs - last update april 15, 2013
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April 15, 2013 - DLE-TEST23 : Here is a simple regenerative charging test of a 12V lead battery with the Robert Adams' motor (very similar to the John Bedini's unipolar motor/generator) piloted by the APMC v1.0 (Arduino Pulsed Motor Controller) already presented in the DLE-TEST22. This kind of regenerative charging uses the Back EMF pulses from the motor coil. This test allows to show you the use of the APMC in real conditions during a simple exploration experiment. A PC computer is connected via the USB port of the Arduino Mega 2560 board. This DLE-TEST23 shows you how the APMC firmware sends the full telemetry datas (time base, RPM, pulses delay and pulses duration, user datas and computed datas...) to the computer.
Here is the configuration of the test :
Below the detailled diagram of the APMC and its control board :
The battery used is a 12 V 1.3 Ah lead battery. The Back EMF pulses are collected and rectified via a double fast switching HFA25PB60 diode.
the photo below :
the turn speed is 1672 RPM,
the motor coil is energized 500 µS after the TDC
with a programmed duration of 2000 µS
but recomputed by the APMC to 1198 µS so as to optimize the
power and the torque.
The initial battery voltage was 12.86 V and it has climbed to 13.18 V after 3 minutes of running.
Below the telemetry datas sent to the USB port by the APMC v1.0
Here are the full details of the telemetry frame : 260463860, 1697, 5872.00, 500, 2000, 1172
260463860 : time reference,
1697 : motor turn speed (RPM),
5872.00 : Time (in µS) between 2
500 : Delay (in µS) of the
pulse after the TDC,
2000 : Desired duration (in µS)
of the pulse programmed by the user,
1172 : Computed duration (in µS)
of the pulse sent by the APMC.
Below the video of the regenerative charging test by the Adams' motor piloted by the APMC v1.0
The firmware of the APMC v1.0 can be downloaded at : http://jlnlab-tools.googlecode.com/files/APMCv1.zip
The full source code is released in Open Source under GNU licence and can be displayed at :
Technical documents :
Stay tuned,
Email: jnaudin509@aol.com
visits since december 29,2012