TEST #2 : Efficiency measurements with a digital oscilloscope
created on december 28, 2012 - JLN Labs - last update january 2, 2013
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial

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December 31, 2012 - TEST #2 : Here are the results of the 2nd serie of tests with a digital oscilloscope. The two scope probes are set to X10 and are connected to the flat bifilar coil output. The probe Ch1 is used to measure the voltage accross the flat bifilar coil output and the probe Ch2 is used to measure the current i.e. the voltage accross a 0.1 Ohm non inductive resistor Mundorf MR10 10W. Then the datas are sent to a datasheet to compute true RMS values and the efficiency. The electrical power input of the induction cooker is measured with a Wattmeter Energy Logger 4000F directly connected on the power grid.

Below the setup of the TEST #2:


Of course, the voltage, the current and the power are true RMS values...

You may download the
full datas of the digital scope HERE

Here the accurate measurements of the non inductive resistor Mundorf MR10 de 0.1 ohm 10W. The true value is 0.09 Ohm.

The electrical power for the induction cooker is measured with a Wattmeter Energy Logger 4000F directly connected on the power grid :

The Wattmeter measures 1050 Watts at the INPUT, this is fully in line with the 1000 Watts programmed on the induction cooker.

So, the true RMS voltage and the true RMS current computed with the datas measured with the digital oscilloscope are :

Here a video of the FULL TEST of the GEGENE

see also the additional test:

TEST #5 : New efficiency measurements with an oscilloscope and more power at the output

Stay tuned,


TEST #3 : Efficiency measurements with a calorimetric method

Email: jnaudin509@aol.com

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