Basic Transdimensional's Lifter Experiment
By Jean-Louis
created on October
10th, 2001 - JLN Labs - Last
update July 10, 2002
informations in this page are published free and are intended for
private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications
You will find below all the details and diagrams for building and test yourself the Transdimensional's Lifter experiment.
The Basic Lifter is a very light weight device, only one upper frame is built and the aluminum sheet must be very thin. This is a very fun experiment which worth to be replicated.
The Basic Lifter is maintained on the
ground base with 3 thin nylon threads to avoid that it escapes to
the ceiling...
The Basic Lifter remains very stable above the ground while the
power supply is energized. A 330 Kohms/10 Watts resistor is
connected in serie with the HV Output to limit the current flow.
This High Voltage power supply used is able to generate up to 25-30kV DC Output from a 12-24v DC input. With a fully adjustable DC input power supply (0-24V/4A), it is possible to adjust the HV output between 5 to 30kV. This HV power supply use a common flyback driver circuit with two 2N3055 power transistors as a push-pull oscillator. A common flyback transformer from an old TV/monitor can be used, the transformer HV output is connected to a 30kv Voltage tripler which commonly used in all color TV monitors.
In the Basic Lifter experiment the DC Input of the HV Power supply is 15 V @ 2.3 A.
A close view of the HV tripler
For additional infos about the 30KV
see also :
If you have some difficulties to find the 100pF/10 KV
capacitor, the diagram above works also well.
Don't forget
that the Pin D is not connected in this case.
See also :
Simple High Voltage Generator: Low Voltage DC In, up to 30 KV Out by Samuel M. Goldwasser
Flyback 20kV from 24V by Jochen Kronjaeger
Improved super-cascade: now over 100kV! by Jochen Kronjaeger
A High Voltage Flyback generator ( up to 70 KHz ) by Andrés Estéban de la Plaza
A High Voltage Capacitive Discharge Generator ( 850 Hz ) by Andrés Estéban de la Plaza
A High Voltage Advanced Generator ( 20 KHz ) by Andrés Estéban de la Plaza
Interesting and easy to build High Voltage generators diagrams by Liviu Vasiliu
How to make HV DC pulses with a Ruhmkorff or a Tesla Coil ( in French )
How to make 60 KV with two car iginition coils by Jochen Kronjaeger
BE CAREFUL, USE EXTREME CAUTION !!!, this device use High Voltage, ALWAYS switch off the input and discharge the output to the ground through 10k/2W resistor before touch it. These plans are not intended for the inexperienced. User of this document should be very carefull and experienced in High-Voltage electronics to try anything out ! If you do it the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen. |
ATTENTION !!!, Faites preuve d'une extrême prudence, Vous manipulez ici de la Haute-Tension, TOUJOURS arrêter puis déconnecter votre alimentation ou le moniteur et décharger la sortie Haute Tension à travers une résistance de 10Kohms/2W avant toute manipulation.. Les plans et les conseils présentés ici, ne sont pas destinés à des débutants. Vous devrez procéder avec soin et prudence et avoir l'habitude de manipuler de la Haute-Tension avant d'envisager une telle expérience ! Si vous décider de réaliser cette expérience, ceci est à votre propre risque et je décline toute responsabilité en ce qui concerne les éventuels dommages matériels ou physiques causés. |
See the video demonstration of Basic Lifter
To see the videos, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
Click on the picture above to see the video ( 701 Kb )
The Lifter1 works also very well with this 30KV power supply
It is also possible to use the THT power supply output
from an old PC Color monitor ( see the photo
above )
How to Build yourself the Lifter1
pour alimenter votre Lifter - par
Claude Dupré
for Powering a Lifter
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