A Free Energy Demonstrator
The SMOT from Greg Watson
created on 03-31-97 - JLN Labs
- last update on 04-23-05
Toutes les informations et
schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont
destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
What is the SMOT
? This is a very simple Free
Energy demonstrator that anyone can
build easily.
The principle is very simple : a steel ball climbs a magnetic
ramp, the magnetic energy is converted into kinetic/potential
energy and the "regauging" effect is done by the
gravity during the drop...
SMOT Energy measurements HQ video
( 30 FPS / DivX codec is required )
Click on
the picture to download the file ( 14.3 Mb )
VIDEOS : Construire son premier démonstrateur
à énergie magnétique, le SMOT
: JNaudin509@aol.com
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