Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thruster
Built and tested by
Jean-Louis Naudin
created on January
20, 2002 - JLN Labs - Last
update January 20, 2002
informations in this page are published free and are intended for
private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications
The French patent FR 2651388 from Jean-Claude Lafforgue is really a "Must" in the domain of the Electrostatic Field Propulsion. I have really enjoyed to read it and I encourage anyone who wants to conduct some researches in this domain, to study this patent very carefully.... Some translations of the Lafforgue's patent can be found here.
On January 20, 2002, I have replicated and tested successfully the Basic Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thruster fully described in his patent FR2651388 ( see the photo below ).
Tested apparatus description :
I have used the same design as described in the Lafforgue's patent at the fig7 page 48. The asymmetrical capacitor is built with 3 aluminum armatures ( 0.5 mm thick ). These armatures have the exact shape of the Lafforgue's capacitor described in the Fig 7 of his patent. The entire capacitor is fully enclosed with epoxy resin and sandwiched between two mylar sheets so that there is no contact with the surrounding medium ( the air ). Thanks to Carlos Reis for his helpful advices about the construction.
The LFPT v1.0 is fixed on a high sensitive beam balance previously used during the Frolov's Hat experiment in May 2000. You will find all the construction details for building yourself a such high sensistive balance at : elgbalbld.htm
Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thruster v1.0 specifications
TESTS RESULTS ( 01-20-02 ) :
When DC pulses are sent by the HV power supply, the LFPT v1.0 goes upward and the beam balance oscillates at the same period than the pulses. The voltage used is 23.5 KV DC @ 42 uA. The red lamp placed just beside the balance is lighted when the HV power supply is switched on.
This experiment is very interesting because the LFPT v1.0 is fully included in epoxy resin and thus it isn't in contact with the surrounding medium ( the air ). This is a full experimental proof of a Field Propulsion Effect.
See the video of Lafforgue's Field Propulsion Thruster v1.0 experiment
To see the videos, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
Click on the picture above to see the video ( 544 Kb )
Some documents references :
See also :
The Lafforgue's
Electrostatic Pressure experiment
Lafforgue's F.P.Thruster Solver v2.0
The LPT v1.0 pulsed
tests without leakage current
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