Improvement of the parametric wave measured
accross the WFC
TEST-S02E05 : The Water
Fuel Cell tested with the Stanley Meyer's VIC pulsed signal...
The saison 2 of the
Projet GEGENE (Great Efficiency GENErator)...
created on december 28, 2012 - JLN
Labs - last update february 6, 2013
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
Toutes les informations et
schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont
destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
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February 3, 2013 - TESTS02E05 : We have observed in the previous test, that it is possible to use the GEGENE as a pulsed current generator to power the Stanley Meyer's WFC. The previous test has showed that a great amount of stoechometric mixture is produced with a pure osmosed water without electrolyte but with too much current (10A). This strong current produced the heating of the water after few minutes. In this test, the induction cooker of the Gegene has been replaced by a double function generator (one modulating the other) and the flat bifilar coil by a cylindrical bifilar coil ( 2x1mH ) with a ferrite core.
I have reproduced the VIC (Voltage Intensifier Circuit) signal of Stanley Meyer with the two function generators so as to get a parametrical excitation of the water molecule of the WFC and also to get a similar flow of gaz equivalent to the TESTS02E04.
Below the setup of the TEST-S02E05 :
function genarator N°1 modulate the function generator N°2 and
the signal is sent to the power amplifier with a
Mosfet transistor IRFP450 and powered at 30 V DC.
The pulsed voltage is sent to WFC via an ultra
fast diode HFA25PB60 and through the bifilar coil (L1,L2).
Two analog multimeters are used to measure the DC voltage and the DC current powering the amplifier.
The DC power supply confirms the DC voltage and current measured.
Below the signal measured accross the WFC.
The MAX voltage measured is 560 Volt and with this kind of pulsed current the amount of gaz is equivalent to the 1 KW of power sent by the GEGENE...
Comments : This test shows that it is possible to reduce dramatically the current spent (and thus the Joule losses) in the WFC by using a special pulsed signal...
Stay tuned,
TEST-S02EP06 : Improvement of the parametric wave measured accross the WFC
visits since december 29,2012