Efficiency measurements TEST#1 with a ligthmeter
created on december 28, 2012 - JLN Labs - last update december 30, 2012
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Dec 30, 2012 - TEST #1 results: This is the first efficiency measurement done with a lightmeter. I have used a Voltcraft Luxmeter LX-1108 for measuring the light intensity of the halogen lamps connected to the OUTPUT while the electrical power is measured with an Wattmeter Voltcraft Energy Logger EL4000F.

Here is the method that I have used for the TEST #1 :

  1. The GEGENE is connected to the power grid through the Wattmeter, the power of the induction cooker is programmed for a 1000 W output. The GEGENE is started and then the light intensity is measured with the lightmeter and the electrical input power is noted as Power1.
  2. The GEGENE is switched off and disconnected from the Wattmeter.
  3. The halogen lamps are connected at the output of a VARIAC. The Variac is connected to the power grid through the Wattmeter.
  4. The VARIAC is tuned so as to get the SAME light intensity as measured before with the GEGENE.
  5. The electrical input power with the VARIAC is noted as Power2.
  6. The efficiency is calculated as follow :

EFFICIENCY % = ( Power2 / Power1 ) * 100

Below the setup used for the TEST #1

Here the video of the TEST #1 of the GEGENE


In spite of these results giving a measured efficiency of 91.4 % with the lightmeter, may be that the parameters were not really optimal, particularly the positioning of the bifilar output coil. I shall soon conduct new tests and measurements of the efficiency with another method.

This is only the begining of the GEGENE project, more tests and improvements are soon coming...

Next TEST:

TEST #2 : Efficiency measurements with a digital Oscilloscope

Stay tuned,

Email: jnaudin509@aol.com

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