Evidence of an asymmetric force between the two armatures
by Jean-Louis Naudin
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created on February 21, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update February 21, 2003
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial

All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

The purpose of this test is to check if the attraction of the plate ( the aluminum armature ) towards the wire is stronger than the attraction of the wire towards the plate. So, I have built two identical asymmetrical capacitors, see the photo below. These two asymmetrical capacitors are composed of two armatures, the first armature is the wire and the second armature is the aluminum plate. The two capacitors have been placed on a beam balance. The first capacitor, on the left side of the beam balance, has its plate mobile and its wire fixed and the second capacitor, on the right side of the beam balance, has its wire mobile and its plate fixed. The beam deflexion has been limited so as to avoid a short circuit between the wires and the plates. The wires have been connected to the (+) of HV power supply and the plates to the 0 V.

In the photo above : On the left side of the beam balance, the wire is fixed and the plate is mobile.

In the photo above : On the right side of the beam balance, the wire is mobile and the plate is fixed.

Asymmetrical capacitor specifications
  • Aluminum plate : 75 x 20 mm ( 0.5 mm thick)

  • Wire : copper 1/10 mm diameter

  • Working voltage : 25 KV DC

TEST #1 : The gaps between the wire and the plate of the two capacitors are initially equal.

In the initial conditions the beam balance is equilibrated and the two gaps ( wire-plate ) are equal.

When the HV power supply is switched on, the moving plate is attracted towards the wire ( see the photo below ).

The test #1 shows that :

The attraction force of the plate towards the wire is stronger than the attraction force of the wire towards the plate.

See the asymmetrical force test #1 video

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at : http://proforma.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 851 Kb )

TEST #2 : The moving wire is closer to the plate than the other side.

In the initial condition, the moving wire, on the right side of the beam balance, is closer to the plate than the other side. A small additional weight has been placed on the left side of the beam balance. The purpose of this test is to increase the attraction force of the wire towards the plate on the right side and to decrease the attraction force of the plate towards the wire on the left side.

When the HV power supply is switched on, the moving plate placed on the left side of the beam balance is still attracted towards the wire ( see the photo below ).

The test #2 shows again that :

The attraction force of the plate towards the wire is still stronger than the attraction force of the wire towards the plate.

See the asymmetrical force test #2 video

To see the video, the free downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at : http://proforma.real.com/real/player/blackjack.html

Click on the picture above to see the video ( 689 Kb )

JL Naudin's comments : These two tests show clearly that :

See also :

Unlinked Lifter with the wire placed in a VACUUM tube

Test of an Unlinked Lifter and fully enclosed in a box

Lifter test with the wire unlinked from the plate

Email : JNaudin509@aol.com

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