Aquino's System-G v1.01
the device, by JL Naudin
created on March 25th, 2000 - JLN Labs - Last update April 9th, 2000
This project consists of 4 phases ( A, B, C, D ) :
Phase A CURIOSITY ( completed )
Objective : Preliminary
investigations to understand Fran de Aquino's experiment
Goal 1: Understanding Fran de Aquino's theory
Goal 2: Analysis of preliminary experimental claims.
Collaborative networking through the [ JLN Labs eGroup ]
Goal 3: Communicating on the www about this project.
Collaborative networking through the [ JLN Labs eGroup ]
under completion )
Objective : Preliminary attempt
to replicate Fran de Aquino's experiment, by means of
crude device and materials
Goal 1: Solve basic engineering problems.
Goal 2: Check out the pertinence of the crude
device being tested.
Goal 3: Demonstrate an actual weight loss effect.
B.1 :
The substantial DIFFERENCES between my JLN Labs'
device and Fran de Aquino ( FdA )'s device are :
a. The quality of my shield is still subject to
great unknowns ;
b. Weight : 7 kg ( JLN Labs ) vs 35 kg ( FdA ) ;
c. Diameter : 260 mm ( JLN Labs ) vs 640 mm ( FdA
) ;
d. Antenna efficiency : 12 % ( JLN Labs ) vs 79 %
( FdA ).
B.2 :
e. The surface of the JLN Labs's shield is
smaller than FdA's.
f. The JLN Labs device is smaller compared to
Fran de Aquino's device.
g. Substantial losses are to be expected.
h. Rough calculations show I can only expect a
MAXIMUM weight loss result of - 16 %, no more.
WARNING B.3 : Other CONCLUSIONS will be drawn only after engineering lessons and experimental results are obtained ; they will be communicated for further analysis onto the world wide web. If no effect is observed with my "crude device, it would not mean that Fran de Aquino's claims need to be brushed aside ; it would only mean that a full replication with a device identical to the original one, must be undertaken.
currently constrained by cost considerations )
Objective : Full replication of
Fran de Aquino's experiment
Goal 1: Demonstrate Fran de Aquino's claims will a fully
replicated, identical set up.
Goal 2: Further engineering and experimental knowledges.
Goal 3: Compare on a solid basis JLN Labs' findings with
FdA's early claims.
Objective : Will be initiated
only if phase B, C ( or both ) prove successful .
Goal 1: Demonstrating the feasability of "mass
Goal 2: Demonstrating the possibility of thrust /
impulsion / propulsion.
Goal 3: Demonstrating the practicality ( controlability )
of such a device for a new class of propulsion system.
The System-G Project : PHASE B
The System-G v1.01 is now under construction, ( see the picture above ). The working frequency is 50 Hz and the ELF dipole antenna is 2 x 8 m ( one branch of the dipole is red and the other is blue ) they are interweaved for reducing the inductance effect. (see below ).
In the picture above the iron powder has not yet been added, the ELF dipole antenna is placed in the iron shield.
The iron powder (
98%, 40-160 m) used as medium for ELF waves
The System-G v1.01 during the filling process with the iron powder.
ELF Antenna
weight : 966 g
Iron shield weight : 426 g
weight of the System-G : 7050 g
The System-G v1.01
is now ready, the next step is to do the impedance matching
between the ELF antenna and the power supply.
This will be done by balun transformer connected between the
power grid ( 50Hz ) and the ELF Antenna,
See the
ELF Antenna design : The TEE Matching calculations
The ELF Antenna used is a true dipole, there are two quarter-wave elements. The overall length of the dipole is a half-wavelength. When power is fed to the antenna, the current and voltage vary along its length. The current is maximum (loop) at the center and nearly zero (node) at the ends of each branch of the dipole, while the opposite is true of the RF voltage. The current does not actually reach zero at the current nodes, because of the end effect; similarly, the voltage is not zero at its node because of the resistance of the antenna, which consist of both the RF resistance of the wire ( ohmic resistance ) and the radiation resistance. The radiation resistance is an "equivalent" resistance linked to the radiation properties of the dipole. The radiation resistance is the equivalent resistance that would dissipate the ELF power the antenna radiates, with a current flowing in it equal to the antenna current at a current loop ( maximum ).
You will find below my current datas about the System-G v1.01 under construction, you need only to fill the conresponding fields ( a,b,c,d..) with these datas in my System-G calculator and click the button "Calculate". So you will be able to see the "expected" results....
The JLN's System-G v1.01 datas :
a) 50
e) 80
f ) 2.26
n) 90
o) 0.5
p) 190
q) 70
r) 7.05
s) 0.98
JLN's tests feedback ( 04-06-00 ) :
The measurements has shown that my current Antenna setup (v1.01) radiates a weak ELF power, so the measured current is low and thus the dissipated power... The reasons are :
The impedance matching between the power source and the antenna must be improved. This currently under computation with simulations.
A wrong coupling effect with the surrounding medium ( the iron powder ), the wires insulation is a bit too thick and the multi-layers configuration reduces the contact with this medium. So, in this case the antenna phase velocity is determined by the insulation properties and not the iron power properties and thus the antenna is not able to match with the calculations. A new ELF antenna design is on the way...
Measurement of the resonant frequency of the ELF dipole v1.01 :
I have
measured the voltage with a high impedance voltmeter ( this is
also been confirmed with an oscilloscope ) between each ends of
the dipole :
At the resonant frequency, the voltage output
is about 8.9 times the voltage input. The
frequency was 535.3 kHz and was generated by a function generator
( Tektronix AFG310 ) set for 10V peak-peak sinewave at 50 ohms.
A normal 2x8 m dipole antenna correspond to a working frequency of 9.4 MHz in the air medium. With the iron powder used as the medium for propagating the ELF waves, the reduced length is now 17.5 times lower than in the air... This is very interesting and this confirms that the length of a dipole antenna can be significantly reduced by the surrounding medium, the iron powder in this case.
JLN's tests feedback ( 04-09-00 ) :
The System-G tests aren't yet finished and today, I am not able to say if the System-G device works or not as the Aquino's claim. A good coupling between the ELF antenna and its surrounding medium is required for an efficient EM power transfer. This why I am conducting some measurements and tests for finding the real specifications ( conductivity and permeability ) of the iron powder used. This will allow me to calculate the proper size of the new ELF antenna which will be able to resonnate at the required frequency ( 50 Hz ).
And ONLY after this, the real System-G tests will begun....
More to come, stay tuned....
See also :
Engineering the System-G device by JL Naudin and Steve Burns
The System-G equations solver by J-L Naudin
Email : or mail to the JLN Lab's
eGroup at : if you are a team member.
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